My Story

4 / August / 15 By Corey Ghilarduci



Over the past year, I have learned to code, and I love it. However, it is for a different reason than most. Some people love to code because it gives them the ability to solve everyday problems... Some for the critical thinking aspect... Some just are anxious to build. My reason is because data is awesome, and data needs to be shown off in interactive and insightful ways, especially on websites.

Back when I was an economics major at UCLA, I analyzed and interpreted a lot of data. I developed an understanding how data can create real insights. I inputed my dataset into STATA (a statistical analysis software program), crunched the numbers, and boom… out popped my STATA output. A series of coefficients, confidence intervals, R-squareds, etc. A neat output for those trained to understand and interpret data. For non-math people, confusion. The format is ineffective for those who have not been trained in regressions. Data needs to be visualized and explained accordingly. This data visualization can provide more data-accessibility to the masses and decision makers. My goal is to help those understand and pull real insights from data in visual ways.

Recently, I have been making a lot of charts with D3js. I am always working on improving my skills and want to offer another way to interpret and understand data that provides quick insights. You can go to to view my most recent interactive chart.

On my time off...

Basketball. Watching it, playing it, listening to podcasts about it, reading it, understanding the sports analytics behind it.

YouTube. I must confess, I am addicted to YouTube. I often wake up in the morning to watch YouTube videos.

History. I love understanding where we came from. Roman history is by far the most fascinating time period to me. If you need a good podcast and are a history fan, go to and listen to hardcore history. Hardcore is the best type of history.
